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10 Self- Love rules for Better Living

10 self-love rules for better living, will guide you to stay on track to cope with challenges more effectively. They will help you to control your fear, anxiety, self- doubt, not feeling good enough, feeling unworthy and self- depreciated.

Healthy levels of self – love give you the ability to move beyond surviving and being stuck in life to find the courage to create a life of meaning, purpose, self – love, self- compassion and self-care. Self-love helps you stop being obsessed with what others think about you and make yourself the number 1 priority.

Rule #1

Stop worrying about what other people think of you and focus on what you think about yourself

Rule #2

You cannot change how people behave but you can change how you react or actually how you DO NOT react to their behavior.

Rule #3

Stop making any decisions based on people’s opinions. Value your own opinion more than you value others.

Rule #4

Don’t take anything personally even when it seems personal. Take constructive criticism seriously but not personally.

Rule #5

Stop comparing yourself with others –  You are Enough – you don’t need anyone to validate you. You are valuable.


Stop feeling guilty for taking care of yourself first.


You cannot give what you don’t have.


You cannot give more than you are capable of receiving.


It is on you to keep “your cup full” because only then you have something to share with others.

RULE #10

Only hurt people hurt other people – so heal your wounds, forgive yourself and others and appreciate who you have become through this process.

Be consistent. Be Intentional.

Self-love is your responsibility. When you commit to loving yourself – your life transforms and shifts in measurable ways. Your relationships with others improve, effectiveness rises, trust in yourself is born. Follow these 10 rules and practice them daily to cultivate self-love to start living a life that truly honors your highest self.

Kick start your journey with Self- Love with my LOVE YOURSELF INWARD ONLINE COURSE

#kasiajamroz #loveyourselfinward


One comment on “10 Self- Love rules for Better Living”

  1. Grace A
    January 21, 2025 at 7:01 pm

    Great tips. I enjoyed it.

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