On the road to transformation – Things are happening for a reason

The days were long with strenuous hikes. Occasionally, rain was interrupting my bliss. However, this did not seem to matter. I was already readjusting the presumptions I had made earlier. I started to recognize and feel gratitude for this unique experience offered to me whilst surrounded by amazing strangers who ignited something unknown or forgotten– an inspiration. Each brought easiness, simplicity and passion. Each came with their own story…

The feeling of unconditional acceptance was winding up my mind. How is that possible to receive this ultimate gift of being seen for who you are and being noticed? All that despite wearing three-day old t-shirt, being dirty, bruised and burnt by the sun…. In all those moments the beauty was found for what it was! And it all felt natural and comfortable. The “girly girl” was dropping the coats of pretense which covered her from top to bottom, starting to see herself for the very first time in years.




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