If you cannot control your mind – someone else will.
If you don’t understand someone or something- you will make assumptions based on your own beliefs system.
If you misinterpret LOVE – you will equate it to making others happy at your own cost.
If you choose technology over thinking for yourself y- ou will let others to stupidize you at your own wish.
Sooner or later you have to face yourself.
Sooner or later you must own up your past and your own stretched truths.
Sooner or later you will BELIEVE in yourself because when you do the world opens up endless possibilities to YOU.
Own up your mind otherwise someone else will…..
#kasiajamrozcoach #consciousness awareness #wakeupcall #awakening #evolving #growing #knowtheyself #transformation #love #believing #bethethunder #infinite #possibilities #ownup #truth #controlyourmind #technologyoverload #love #creation #dreamyourowndream #leadership #nevergiveup #choice #choseyou #you