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Unknown & Unknowing

Surrounded myself to a chance by spending last three days in the remote parts of Solar de Uyuni – the largest salt flats in the world – and acclimatizing for an upcoming climb.
Totally solo trip, total quest for the unknown as well as for the “unknowing”. Finding a way home to more simple self – being annoyed by the fact I surround myself by too many possessions still. Especially in the presence of an absolute minimalism and the drive to survive.

Observing life giving life to life. Creating and being creative in a ways I have not dreamed of. Feeling embarrassed how little things cost.

The needs are always the same for all of us. The wants – divide us.

Puzzling over who Am I then becoming – enriched by this experience (when you again witness education and health system being only available to those who have resources – otherwise you brutally do not count )?

It for sure energies and fuels my pursuit to support the basic needs of those less privileged as I get ready to climb the summit in 3 days.



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